
- Spellers must be studying within Grade 4th to Grade 10th as of September 30, 2024.
- Spellers must not have reached their 16th birthday as of October 31st, 2024.
- Spellers must not have won a previous Scripps National Spelling Bee.
- The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary is the official dictionary and source of words for the competition.
- The study list for is the 2024 Words of the Champions which will be provided to registered students except for those 10 finalists in the final round when there may be words outside of given words but from the above mentioned dictionary
- The SNSB crafts pronunciations from Merriam-Webster Unabridged and may include pronunciations from the most recently copyrighted Merriam-Webster dictionaries.
- The competition will be separated into Preliminaries, Semifinals and Finals.
- The Preliminaries will have 2 rounds: 1 written round, 1 Oral round,
- The semi-finals and Finals have only Oral rounds
- A speller is eliminated upon providing an incorrect answer
- If all spellers in a Finals round misspell, a new round begins with the spellers competing in their original order.
- The speller’s time limit per turn is 120 seconds for oral spelling rounds.
- The officials may announce schedule and/or location changes.
All decisions made by the judges and officials are final. Participants must respect these decisions without dispute.
Parents or guardians who interfere during the competition may cause their child to be disqualified. This rule is in place to maintain a fair and focused environment for all spellers.
Officials reserve the right to amend rules and procedures as necessary. They may also modify schedules and locations at their discretion.
Participants are expected to maintain proper hygiene and conduct throughout the competition. This includes being respectful to officials, fellow competitors, and adhering to any specific health guidelines in place.
Participants may be disqualified for failing to adhere to eligibility requirements, engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct, or violating any competition rules.
Spellers may only communicate with officials during designated times. Any unauthorized communication may lead to disqualification.
Spellers are expected to behave in a manner that reflects positively on themselves and the competition. Disruptive behavior may result in disqualification.